Saturday 19 October 2013

Riding the wave...but only a tiny bit

So, I'm starting a blog. It could go well or it could go badly. Either way, I'm fairly certain it will go somewhere…though whether I’ll still be wherever the blog is when it’s gone badly is entirely debatable.
 Now, I know I lot of people would say “Look, just chill man! It’s a blog, what’s the worst that can happen? Who cares if it goes arse up? Go with the flow, ride the wave, surf the sea, Que Sera Sera” and so on and so forth. In part I agree, it’s just words on a screen after all. Will I die from a bad blog? I very much doubt it. Will I lose my job? That would entirely depend on whether I've thrown a heavy duty hole punch at my bosses head or not.  But that is a tad beside the point. 
See, I wish I was one of the ‘ride the wave’ crowd, but the truth is, I'm just not. No, I don’t care what people think about me (well maybe a tiny bit), but I care a lot what they think about my writing. Yes, as I said a moment ago, this is just words on a page, but words, to me, are incredibly important. A few paragraphs of inconsequential writing can tell the story of the person who wrote it, and to a technology avoiding, book obsessed, socially awkward, blogging novice, that is a tiny bit scary. Just a tiny bit…I'm only allowing myself that tiny bit.
 Anyway, I am here, I very much doubt that my blog will change the world, but I intend (in theory) for it to be interesting (hopefully.) This page will be filled with my likes and dislikes, from music, films, clothes and beauty products to pet peeves and daily annoyances. Such as the new beard craze that seems to be sweeping through the world of men. (Stop it boys.)
 However, my main passion is books and I intend to blog about them A LOT. I tend to be reading several different books at once to match my daily mood swings but I'm always looking for recommendations. Of any kind. If there’s a book, or magazine, or website or anything, that you love, share it with me, I’ll check it out and share back what I thought of it. Now I don’t know much about the music/book/film/beauty/fashion world except in that I know what I like. Hence (I hope you liked my use of the word ‘hence’ though I'm not particularly sure that I've used it correctly) anything that I write will be purely based on my opinion. Whatever that’s worth. 
So, that is pretty much that. My first blog. Am I scared? Only a tiny bit. For now, I am here for the duration. The time length of that duration will be entirely dependent on you guys (no pressure) if only one of you catches on, that will make it fun enough for me.
 So now, all that’s left to do is blog.
 Ride that wave. 
And panic... 
...But only a tiny bit.


  1. You'll do amazing! For what I can tell you are natural with writing and I love posts like that

    lovely blog

  2. Thank you sooooo much, I really appreciate it : ) xxx
